300k -- finally!

I have waited a long, long time for this one. Up until the weekend, I had never ridden 300km in a day -- despite having gone beyond 280km on no fewer than five occasions. Technically I probably still haven't -- given that this ride started in the afternoon and continued through the night. On the other hand, there were 310km covered between arrival in Caboolture and the return there for the train home (plus another 14km on the 'Coast getting to and from the train), so I'm claiming it.
This ride arose from a desire to participate in the Audax 200km night ride starting and finishing in the town of Kilcoy, north-west of Brisbane. It was getting to and from the ride that would present the extra kilometres I was seeking, as it is 50km from the nearest train station in Caboolture (actually, by the route I took it was a little further, but who's counting?).

The ride from Caboolture to Kilcoy is quite a pleasant one. There are early views of the Glasshouse mountains in the distance, and some very pretty bushland to pass through, particularly on the Neurum road detour. Arrival in Kilcoy presented a bigger turnout than expected, until I realised there was a 50km ride being run at the same time as my 200k. The early part was on a familiar route, passing Mt Kilcoy, one particularly nasty wooden bridge where I had a very nervous moment, and returning to Kilcoy on the Jimna Road I used en route to Mt Buggary last September.

It was after leaving Kilcoy (again) and heading for Esk that the drama really started. First of all, my chain was making some noises it shouldn't have been. I'd had a rear derailleur repaired in Hobart a few weeks ago, and they had told me they'd needed to take the chain apart to do it. I began to wonder if that was the problem. Then I discovered a slow leaking flat on the rear tyre -- not a problem as I had a spare tube, right?
Wrong. The MTB tube was still in the saddlebag, and wasn't going to be much use to me out here. Oh well, it was only a slow leak, if I pump it up enough I might make it to Esk. For some reason I also started thinking of last week's knee problems -- although they gave me no problems at all tonight.
All of these concerns somehow cancelled each other out, and I was able to relax and really enjoy the night. The temperature was glorious, as were the twilight views of Lake Somerset (which I'd see again later). Someone in a passing car even shouted encouragement (normally they shout abuse on the Gold Coast). I did have to re-pump the rear tyre before Esk, but even that didn't bother me.

Shortly after leaving Esk it dawned on me that I had no idea at all what the time was. I had assumed it was getting late, but somehow I was so lost in this ride that keeping track of that simply didn't occur to me. I was more concerned with the moon sailing through the sky and lighting up Lake Wivenhoe in such a way that can be viewed for hours, but never photographed.
A little later just after the climb at Wivenhoe power station I renewed acquaintances with Lisa from Inverell who I'd ridden with for 170-odd km on an ill-fated 600k attempt last year. We had something to talk about as about 35 cars suddenly went past at high speed. If 35 cars suddenly pass at high speed at 1.00 am it usually means one thing. Our suspicions were confirmed at the next intersection -- there were about 50 hoons out for some drag racing.
Fortunately, the road ahead had more corners than the road behind, meaning they weren't going our way. Even more fortunately, they were surprisingly polite when we passed them. At least it gave us something to talk about. At the next checkpoint it was clear that my rear tyre was now going to need to be patched. This was the first time I've done this in the dark, and it took a little longer than usual.
The tube patched and the offending piece of glass removed, I set off again, and discovered my front tyre now had a similar problem. I just pumped it and figured I'd deal with it later (i.e. preferably when it was daylight again). The remaining ride to Kilcoy to "officially" finish was up and down, with one almighty climb before rejoining Lake Somerset. I negotiated these and watched the light starting in the eastern sky. Daylight comes about 4-4.30 am in these parts, which was about the time I made it back into Kilcoy.

I was offered a ride home and declined -- I wanted to finish off this 300 properly. I started feeling a little tired on the Neurum road (for the second time in 24 hours). I fixed the front tyre properly to keep myself awake, and pressed on. One again the scenery on this road provided the inspiration, as did the prospect of making it to Woodford and a bakery for some breakfast.

The final stretch back to Caboolture was almost surreal. My legs were just about shot, but continued to find enough for the rolling hills as they came along. I was counting off each of the "failed attempts" in the 280's and 290's. I did raise a fist when the 300 came up, however, the end of the ride was something of an anti-climax. As I rode into Caboolture, I couldn't help thinking what an unremarkable dump that place is. I'm sure it has some redeeming qualities for someone, but it's just not for me.
As to where I go next, well, there is a 300km ride starting from Esk early next month. It's another all-nighter, but after this experience, I think I'll give it a go. Transport to and from Esk shouldn't be as difficult as there is apparently a bus service there from Ipswich (to where I could catch a train). On the other hand, it's only 67km from Esk to Ipswich, maybe I could just ride it.
Congrats on your 300K. Man, that's awesome!
Zurichman here.
Chris congrats on the ride guess you are an official Randonneur now with those pics wants to come ride with you sometime for sure in Aussie land.
Thanks for your comments.
Zman, pencil it in for the Great Southern Randonee 1200 next year in Victoria.
Well done! I love reading about your rides and this one sounded amazing.
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