Tosspot of the week
Queensland's motorists aren't exactly known for their intelligence, so this probably shouldn't come as a surprise, but sometimes trying to figure out the "logic" behind certain actions can give one plenty of thinking to do in idle time. Such a situation arose on the ride home from work this evening. Traffic was banked up on the approach to a roundabout (or traffic cirle to those in the Northern Hemisphere) as usual at that time of day, but one idiot just couldn't grasp the concept.
This moron started by doing the usual thing, leaning on the horn to try to get the driver in front of him (who had nowhere to go in the gridlock anyway) to somehow move somewhere. Of course, "moving" doesn't happen very often in gridlock (at least not if you have four wheels), so the honks weren't having the desired effect. Of course, our moron wasn't satisfied with this, so his next move was to physically get out of his car and walk to the car in front of him, shouting "move your f*ckin' car!".
I actually didn't see what happened next, as by this stage I had picked my way through the gridlock and cycled on. But it does beg the question - what was this moron hoping to achieve? Did he really believe that shouting abuse at the driver in front of him was going to get the traffic to start moving? Even after his honks had clearly failed to do so? More to the point, what was he going to do if the traffic did start to move while he was standing in the roadway shouting abuse? Some people seem to be so stupid that they would get a black eye from being punched in the mouth.
Honestly, why doesn't our government send people like this to go and fight in Afghanistan or Iraq? With a bit of luck, they might catch a stray bullet from a freedom fighter, then maybe those wars might actually serve a purpose.