Idleness is a terrible thing. Well, the truth is I already knew that, but it was further reinforced today. It all started when I used the bathroom on the way to getting ready for work. Basically I noticed some blood in a place where there really should not have been any. I won't go into specific details except to say that it frightened me. Before anybody panics, I should point out that this is to do with a minor abrasion and nothing more according to my doctor. Unfortunately, the earliest appointment I could get was in the afternoon.
This basically meant a morning of nothing to do, and, well, I did just that -- nothing. I surfed the Internet for a while, spent some time playing a really old computer game that I restored a few weeks ago, but nothing productive. The thing about it was, it wasn't as if there was nothing to do -- I could have found plenty of productive things to do if I wanted to. It just didn't happen. If I'd simply gone to work as normal, I would have come home in the evening and achieved more in the space of 30 minutes than I did in the entire day.
Manchester United legend Roy Keane once wrote "I am never going to flirt with idleness again". On the basis of what I actually produced today, I can't say I blame him one bit. It might just be a good policy for me to follow.
As to my weekend (which actually starts tomorrow as it's a Public Holiday on the Gold Coast), there has been a change in plans due to family planning to visit me. I'll be spending tomorrow at Lamington National Park (assuming I can drag myself out of this idleness by then), probably recovering on Saturday, before lining up a big ride on Sunday. The rain over the last three days or so should have fuelled the waterfalls up at Lamington -- I will just need to be aware of leeches.